Have I become invisible - a part of the furniture - or
like those trains in the night, loudly rattling past, that people on the line
no longer notice?
Our little wrens by the back door - white-browed
scrub-wrens - seem to have laid another clutch of eggs in J's old hat (see
posts 5/9/15, 26/9/15, last picture) - and they've definitely hatched. But now, no longer do the
adults put on hold every planned nest swoop when they see me; and even when I'm
about 2m away, hanging out washing, they no longer pay me any attention. Better
yet, they hop all around the clothes line above my head (if I freeze), 30cm
(one foot) above me until they finish looking for danger, and decide where next
to dart, foraging for morsels for their voracious young.
Meanwhile Mr and Mrs Superb Blue Wren (above) are
`flirting' by the southern window distracting
me from my work. Afterwards: preening each other, and blue-bejewelled
male hopping back and forth over drab female as both looked into the house,
taking `selfies'. A week later they are still flirting; surely they should be
building a nest? (That blessed - there is no comparable secular word - rain has
spurred on garden, weeds; and also, best of all, birds to try another clutch of
It's a wonderful change from many years ago when Mr Wren
would fight his own reflection in the windows (`What's he doing in my patch?'). We'd put white paper strips here and there
on the lowest 10cm of windows where the wren seemed to be fighting most which
calmed things down. Don Burke used to say that birds got used to windows and
stopped fighting their reflections. I didn't believe him then but now (after 20
years), I think they finally do (Sorry Don). This couple don't even seem to be
visiting this odd foe in the house (and the female used to look for
extra...activity from the mythical male), they've finally decided there's no
risk, even - it really seems - they've realised it's their reflection and they
like to watch themselves cavort on a window sill with just the right width.
They also visit me when I'm digging in the edible patch,
looking for little bugs I guess, which is usually the role of yellow robins.
Where are the robins?
Precisely the other side of the house, to the north, I've
mown my circular lawn again, but this rain has kept the annual grass going and
there's still masses of seed. Often flocks of around 10 red-browed finches will
move through the garden and they love the lawn at the moment. I felt a twang of
guilt mowing yesterday but loads of short, seed-bearing stalks remained.
Balancing a `Land for Wildlife' property with a human's often natural desire
for neatness makes for an interesting conflict now and then.
With wood ducks - and ducklings - along our street;
powerful owls hooting at night; tree creepers and crimson rosellas in our trees;
and honey eaters darting about the garden from flower to flower, the garden (and
bushland) is wonderfully full of avian visitors (and some residents - a fantastic
new phenomenon). All I have to do is top up the bird baths and remember to avoid
using my raincoat by the wren's nest. No problem!
Jill Weatherhead is
horticulturist, writer, garden designer and principal at Jill Weatherhead Garden Design who lives in the Dandenong Ranges east of
Melbourne, and works throughout Victoria (www.jillweatherheadgardendesign.com.au)
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