Tuesday 24 July 2012

Set to look superb early this spring was a double row of Euphorbia wulfenii, chartreuse-topped; almost the only structure in my Sun and Sky bed, holding all the herbaceous softness back into some kind of order. At the end is my metre-high rusty treble clef; a suitably subtle garden piece which fades into the stringy-bark gum tree background.
I am privileged to (1) live metres from unspoilt bushland – with numerous wild orchids and other precious wildflowers - and (2) be married to a conservationist with excellent botanising skills. So when a couple of unwanted euphorbia seedlings were noticed, they were all removed; another plant to join the long list of vegetata non grata. As the colour palette is strictly narrowed to blue, green and yellow, I decided that a double row of Corsican Winter Rose (Helleborus argutifolius) would do, particularly as I had some in my shade house. Will they be large enough to give structure to this admittedly small, human-scale part of the garden? I think so. Will they be neat enough? Probably not!  They’re still small but I hope for mass (and void) by next winter when their wonderful apple-green flowers appear. Besides, they will start to bloom in June, rather than August (as do the other Helleborus) - a distinct advantage in chilly Selby.

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